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Understanding Good and Evil

  • 20 Weeks
  • 2 Steps
  • 2 Participants


Evil is one of the fundamental themes that we will study in this program. In this course we will study the tradition about the problem of evil. What is the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? What differences exist between this tree and the Tree of Eternal Life? How does evil work in the different energy dimensions? We will start from these initial questions to address during the course, from the teachings of Jewish mysticism, different aspects related to the issue of evil... The different universes and evil. The different dimensions and evil. The evil of Satan and the evil of Amalek. Constant growth and evil. The status quo and active evil through inactivity. The evil that attacks at the speed of movement and the evil that attacks by the safety of limits. When the dynamics of the soul alter the limits and when the inactivity of the soul freezes growth. The different strategies of evil. Intellectual evil: the loop of our mind. Emotional evil: the feeling of abandonment of the self, loneliness. Evil in the existential void. Evil in the higher levels giving up the lower levels. Inter-dimensional imbalances as loss of energies. The evil that arises from the war between the levels of the soul. Throughout this course we will discover that evil is a great ally, because it makes us learn permanently, both the evil that comes from the outside and our inner evil or dark part. Evil has come to help us grow and many times we have rejected it. To achieve happiness, to reach the ecstasy of the highest level of the Tree of Life, it is essential to carry out an analysis of evil, with depth and seriousness, in order to obtain a methodology that helps us transform that evil and truly achieve happiness. If we understand the functioning and mechanisms of evil, we can have a happier life and we can grow much faster than we have done until now.

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